Role in Trade
Responsible for the application of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures / ensure the safety of imported food products and conformity with the applicable regulations.
The Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO) is the national authority specialized in standards and specifications. Its objectives are to prepare standards for the fields of production, construction services, hall marking as well as the distribution, importing, and exporting of goods.
The duties of YSMO are as follows:
- To establish a national system for standardization and metrology based on modern scientific principles
- To support the national economy by ensuring a high quality of local goods and products through appropriate standard specifications, which enhance the efficiency of goods and products and upgrade their competitiveness
- To enhance the capabilities of exporters of industrial, agricultural products, and other locally manufactured goods and products by the provision of data, information, and specifications of the countries which import these goods and products.
- To issue compliance, calibration, and quality certificates required for all imported, exported, and locally manufactured products.
- To provide technical advice in the fields of metrology, standardization, and quality control to the manufacturers, importers, and exporters.
Enabling Legislation
Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Law No. 44/1999